Showing 20 Result(s)

Five Reasons to ‘Date’ Yourself- eHarmony Guest Blog

I so love the idea of treating yourself with love, compassion, nurturance and kindness, as well as not waiting for anyone (especially a partner) to do this for you.  This brings me to the idea of ‘dating’ yourself, which is a fun exercise and exploration process that I suggest to clients who are newly single …

How to Get Your Ex Back (and important points to consider)

Breakups can be excruciatingly painful as the sense of loss can feel difficult to move through.  It is only natural that you will need time to grieve the end of your relationship and you will experience a variety of emotions as you go through this process. I’ve noticed that some of my clients equate the …

Why Do We Stay with Partners Who Are Not Good for Us?- eHarmony Guest Blog

Unfortunately, it is all too common to stay in an unhealthy or toxic relationship. In fact, most people can relate to over-staying in a relationship with a partner who was not right for them, who displayed major red flags, or treated them poorly. Many admit to staying in a relationship even though their gut repeatedly told them …