Showing 42 Result(s)

Five Steps to Finding Love in the New Year- eHarmony Guest Blog

A new year is approaching and we have an opportunity to reflect on 2013 and set intentions for the life we hope to create in the present and future. The symbolism of closing this year offers us the chance to greet 2014 with optimism, hope, gratitude and the opening for love and beyond. It might feel …

10 Strategies to Boost Your Mood and Enhance Your Emotional Health- eHarmony Guest Blog

Your mental health is a major component to the quality of your interactions with others. The healthier you are, the more rewarding your relationships will be. Whether you are single, casually dating, in a serious relationship, married, separated or divorced, it is important to be there for yourself instead of relying on anyone else as …

How to Be Yourself on a First Date- eHarmony Guest Blog

First dates symbolize new beginnings, excitement and potential for great love and friendship, although they can also be attached to a variety of fears, anxieties and insecurities. Many people experience challenges in dating, like getting involved with a potential partner too quickly, not knowing what they are looking for, lowering their standards or relationship requirements when thoughts of …

Six Reasons Why Your ‘Relationship Picker’ May Be Broken- eHarmony Guest Blog

In dating and relationships, you may look back and determine that you picked the “wrong” partner. Maybe you chose someone who looked good on paper, but was lacking relationship skills or was emotionally unavailable. You might have been blinded by his or her looks, status or financial stability and failed to see what was really going on. You may have enjoyed the …

Ten Ways to Increase Your Self-Esteem- eHarmony Guest Blog

Do you ever feel as though you’re waiting for someone to love and appreciate you? Do you feel “less than” because you are single and other people in your life are in relationships? Do you find that you wait for others to recognize your accomplishments before being proud of them yourself? Do you struggle to …

Why You Are Not ‘Doomed’ in the Love Department- eHarmony Guest Blog

Too often I hear my clients verbalize that they are “doomed” in finding love because they are single. Of course it is not a simple cause and effect equation, but it seems like the human mind can make it into one if we aren’t aware. Some of my clients equate finding a partner with loving their lives …

When Anxiety Strikes During Your Date: Six Ways to Manage It- eHarmony Guest Blog

Getting through a first date is a common source of anxiety and worry for many. There may be urges to avoid dating altogether or settle for someone who you don’t ultimately see a future with. There is really good news though. If you are willing to learn from each dating experience, manage expectations and recover from some …

Ten Ways to Tame First Date Anxiety- eHarmony Guest Blog

Anxiety is a natural part of life. Each of us experiences some degree of worry in our lives.  A level of worry leads to healthy choices, such as wearing a seat belt, taking vitamins and looking both ways before crossing the street. Anxiety may heighten during life transitions, milestones, decision-making and significant events. In particular, many …

One Thing to Never Forget During Your Quest for Love- eHarmony Guest Blog

As a psychotherapist and relationship coach, I work with single adults looking for love and navigating the dating world. My clients often come to my office feeling worn out and overwhelmed by the dating process. They may contemplate giving up on dating, although they don’t want to miss out on lasting love. They may feel …