Showing 4 Result(s)

What Happens When You Meet Your Soulmate (Or the Right Person)

The topic of soulmates can be pretty controversial and confusing. When I was asked to write about soulmates, I wanted to make sure I was offering a reality-based perspective that would actually be helpful in dating and partner selection. The last thing I wanted to do was create more pickiness, doubt, rigid partner requirements or …

Accessing Your True Desire for Love- eHarmony

So often clients come to me feeling bad about themselves for craving a romantic relationship and feeling down because it’s missing from their lives. They tend to give themselves a hard time for wanting a relationship, as if their desire is weak or abnormal. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Connection is instinctual. Bonding …

Five Myths About Relationships, Dating and Love That Might Be Sabotaging Your Love Life

The world is full of distorted and false messages about love, relationships, dating and romance and it is easy to believe these ideas when they are reinforced in the media, movies, television, etc.  However, for a healthy love life, it is essential that you do not buy into them or allow them to dictate your …

Are All Men Scared of Commitment?

Many stereotypes and generalizations portray men as all about sex and fearful of commitment, but are all men really scared of commitment? The short answer is no.  The long answer is a little more complicated, involving several individual factors, such as a man’s personal, career and relationship goals, maturity, emotional readiness and timing. As relationships …