Showing 3 Result(s)

6 Ways to Feel Less Awkward on a First Date- eHarmony

There’s no denying that first dates can be filled with awkwardness and jitters. Wanting to make a good first impression naturally stirs up anxiety, which can result in awkward dating behavior. Awkwardness can get in the way of forming an emotional connection because if you are in your head worrying, overanalyzing and obsessing about being …

How to Be Yourself on a First Date- eHarmony Guest Blog

First dates symbolize new beginnings, excitement and potential for great love and friendship, although they can also be attached to a variety of fears, anxieties and insecurities. Many people experience challenges in dating, like getting involved with a potential partner too quickly, not knowing what they are looking for, lowering their standards or relationship requirements when thoughts of …

When Anxiety Strikes During Your Date: Six Ways to Manage It- eHarmony Guest Blog

Getting through a first date is a common source of anxiety and worry for many. There may be urges to avoid dating altogether or settle for someone who you don’t ultimately see a future with. There is really good news though. If you are willing to learn from each dating experience, manage expectations and recover from some …