Showing 5 Result(s)

The Ultimate Relationship Anxiety Resource (Causes, Effects & Strategies)

Many of my clients experience relationship anxiety, which can directly interfere with their ability to build and maintain healthy intimate relationships. Through the teaching and use of coping skills, anxiety management strategies, and mindful dating methods, we work to ensure that relationship anxiety isn’t running the show or causing blockages in achieving their dating and …

6 Causes of Relationship Anxiety & How to Handle It (Part 1)

Are you suffering from relationship anxiety? Click here to read about 6 common causes of relationship anxiety written for, a leading online resource for dating and relationships.  Stay tuned for part 2 on how to manage relationship anxiety and how to determine if it is time to stay or leave your relationship. Take care, …

Never Be Shy Around Women Again- Dating & Relationship Advice for Men

If you consider yourself a shy guy, you know how difficult it can be to navigate the dating world.  You may be committed to finding love but struggle to make a move, approach an attractive woman or keep a conversation flowing naturally. Some signs of shyness include: -feeling awkward in social settings/new surroundings -feeling uncomfortable when meeting …

When Anxiety Strikes During Your Date: Six Ways to Manage It- eHarmony Guest Blog

Getting through a first date is a common source of anxiety and worry for many. There may be urges to avoid dating altogether or settle for someone who you don’t ultimately see a future with. There is really good news though. If you are willing to learn from each dating experience, manage expectations and recover from some …

Ten Ways to Tame First Date Anxiety- eHarmony Guest Blog

Anxiety is a natural part of life. Each of us experiences some degree of worry in our lives.  A level of worry leads to healthy choices, such as wearing a seat belt, taking vitamins and looking both ways before crossing the street. Anxiety may heighten during life transitions, milestones, decision-making and significant events. In particular, many …