Showing 33 Result(s)

Are All Men Scared of Commitment?

Many stereotypes and generalizations portray men as all about sex and fearful of commitment, but are all men really scared of commitment? The short answer is no.  The long answer is a little more complicated, involving several individual factors, such as a man’s personal, career and relationship goals, maturity, emotional readiness and timing. As relationships …

Never Be Shy Around Women Again- Dating & Relationship Advice for Men

If you consider yourself a shy guy, you know how difficult it can be to navigate the dating world.  You may be committed to finding love but struggle to make a move, approach an attractive woman or keep a conversation flowing naturally. Some signs of shyness include: -feeling awkward in social settings/new surroundings -feeling uncomfortable when meeting …

Finding Love in the New Year- Dating & Relationship Advice for Men

No matter how you would describe your love, dating and relationship life in 2013 and previously, 2014 is here and there is no better time to be lucky in love. If you look back on your dating and relationship experiences in 2013 and feel lonely, disappointed, anxious, angry or unsuccessful, it is time for a fresh perspective. Along with …

The Secrets to Attracting Your Ideal Partner

As a psychotherapist and relationship coach, I really enjoy helping my clients increase their self-confidence.  A sense of confidence opens up new doors and new beginnings.  Operating on an “I can handle this” and “a glass half-full” mentality makes everything better, especially during the ebbs and flows of dating and relationships. Your self-confidence is crucial …

Five Reasons to Avoid Sex with an Ex (If it is true love and happiness you are looking for…)

On the path to love, it is natural to go through periods of loneliness, anxiety and insecurity.  During these times, it is especially common to crave comfort, attention and connection.  These emotions are part of the process of dating, break-ups and single-hood and where these emotions lead you is what really matters in your health …