Showing 9 Result(s)

5 Strategies to Thrive in Your Relationship or Marriage During COVID-19

Even the happiest of couples are in new relationship/marriage territory due to COVID-19. Life feels far from normal as social distancing and quarantines continue. Therefore, it’s important to find ways to not only survive but thrive during the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to check out my latest article written for, a leading online resource for dating …

How to Convince Your Partner to Go to Couples Counseling

The decision to seek couples counseling is often led by one partner. Encouraging your partner to go to counseling with you can be a frustrating, emotional and painful process. It is important to have effective strategies to make communication go better (and not turn into a war or power struggle). For advice on how to …

7 Tips for Dating After Divorce

Dating after divorce may be uncharted territory, but it is absolutely possible to have a successful, happy and healthy dating life post-divorce. I hope you will check out my latest article, featured on, a leading online resources for dating and relationships, discussing 7 tips for dating after divorce.  Click here to access the full …

Five Reasons to ‘Date’ Yourself- eHarmony Guest Blog

I so love the idea of treating yourself with love, compassion, nurturance and kindness, as well as not waiting for anyone (especially a partner) to do this for you.  This brings me to the idea of ‘dating’ yourself, which is a fun exercise and exploration process that I suggest to clients who are newly single …

Why Do We Stay with Partners Who Are Not Good for Us?- eHarmony Guest Blog

Unfortunately, it is all too common to stay in an unhealthy or toxic relationship. In fact, most people can relate to over-staying in a relationship with a partner who was not right for them, who displayed major red flags, or treated them poorly. Many admit to staying in a relationship even though their gut repeatedly told them …

10 Strategies to Boost Your Mood and Enhance Your Emotional Health- eHarmony Guest Blog

Your mental health is a major component to the quality of your interactions with others. The healthier you are, the more rewarding your relationships will be. Whether you are single, casually dating, in a serious relationship, married, separated or divorced, it is important to be there for yourself instead of relying on anyone else as …