Showing 8 Result(s)

6 Strategies to Increase Vulnerability While Dating- eHarmony

Are the walls you are using for protection actually hindering the development of intimacy and the way you approach dating? Are you going on dates, but hiding who you are because you are scared of rejection? It’s common to crave a genuine romantic connection, but also allow fear or anxiety to get in the way. …

6 Ways to Handle Anxiety During Dating- eHarmony

There are some uncomfortable and potentially unavoidable aspects of dating. From wondering if you are going to be stood up to handling the emotional rollercoaster of texting with someone who goes MIA every couple of days to feeling nervous about making a positive first impression, dating can be an anxiety-provoking process. The way you talk …

Five Steps to Finding Love in the New Year- eHarmony Guest Blog

A new year is approaching and we have an opportunity to reflect on 2013 and set intentions for the life we hope to create in the present and future. The symbolism of closing this year offers us the chance to greet 2014 with optimism, hope, gratitude and the opening for love and beyond. It might feel …

How to Be Yourself on a First Date- eHarmony Guest Blog

First dates symbolize new beginnings, excitement and potential for great love and friendship, although they can also be attached to a variety of fears, anxieties and insecurities. Many people experience challenges in dating, like getting involved with a potential partner too quickly, not knowing what they are looking for, lowering their standards or relationship requirements when thoughts of …

Ten Ways to Tame First Date Anxiety- eHarmony Guest Blog

Anxiety is a natural part of life. Each of us experiences some degree of worry in our lives.  A level of worry leads to healthy choices, such as wearing a seat belt, taking vitamins and looking both ways before crossing the street. Anxiety may heighten during life transitions, milestones, decision-making and significant events. In particular, many …