Showing 3 Result(s)

11 Bad Relationship Habits (Plus How to Break Them)

It’s important to be aware of the obvious and not-so-obvious habits that can cause distance, annoyance or frustration between partners, and damage and destruction to relationships.  As well as cultivating an awareness about these behaviors, it’s essential to develop strategies to break these habits and replace them with choices that will strengthen your relationship and …

Tips for Teens About Healthy Relationships

I hope you will check out my article on tips for teens about healthy relationships, which features guidelines for healthy relationships and healthy expectations.  It also discusses how to identify red flags and warning signs of unhealthy, toxic or abusive relationships, how to navigate dating and breakups, and how to increase self-esteem and self-care strategies. …

Why Do We Stay with Partners Who Are Not Good for Us?- eHarmony Guest Blog

Unfortunately, it is all too common to stay in an unhealthy or toxic relationship. In fact, most people can relate to over-staying in a relationship with a partner who was not right for them, who displayed major red flags, or treated them poorly. Many admit to staying in a relationship even though their gut repeatedly told them …