Showing 23 Result(s)

Friendships and Dating: Five Tips to Manage Your Relationships

It is an honor to contribute to Power Up Living, a website designed to support you in gaining more freedom, flexibility and fun in life and business. My article offers advice on managing the important relationships in your life and includes five key strategies for a happy and healthy dating life, social life, family life …

Five Reasons to ‘Date’ Yourself- eHarmony Guest Blog

I so love the idea of treating yourself with love, compassion, nurturance and kindness, as well as not waiting for anyone (especially a partner) to do this for you.  This brings me to the idea of ‘dating’ yourself, which is a fun exercise and exploration process that I suggest to clients who are newly single …

Five Myths About Relationships, Dating and Love That Might Be Sabotaging Your Love Life

The world is full of distorted and false messages about love, relationships, dating and romance and it is easy to believe these ideas when they are reinforced in the media, movies, television, etc.  However, for a healthy love life, it is essential that you do not buy into them or allow them to dictate your …

How to Create Happiness Regardless of Your Relationship Status- eHarmony Guest Blog

I am incredibly passionate about helping others achieve happiness- the type of happiness that is available in the present moment, accessible at all times, cultivated within and radiated outward.  It is easy to get caught up in a pattern of “waiting” to be happy or putting your happiness in someone else’s hands, but the real …

How to Take Control of Negative Thinking- eHarmony Guest Blog

Negative thinking patterns make life less satisfying as they keep you stuck in what’s wrong versus what’s right. Negative thinking commonly gets in the way of what you really want. It leaves you feeling empty, dissatisfied and unsettled. When your glass is half empty, it’s nearly impossible to see the good, the potential or silver linings and …

How to Develop a Healthy Mindset About Singlehood and Love- eHarmony Guest Blog

I am constantly inspired by Dr. Wayne Dyer, who brilliantly stated, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” If you read my previous article, you also know that I am an advocate for helping single individuals make powerful shifts to attract love into their lives, seek out the right relationship …

Ten Ways to Increase Your Self-Esteem- eHarmony Guest Blog

Do you ever feel as though you’re waiting for someone to love and appreciate you? Do you feel “less than” because you are single and other people in your life are in relationships? Do you find that you wait for others to recognize your accomplishments before being proud of them yourself? Do you struggle to …