Showing 29 Result(s)

6 Strategies to Increase Vulnerability While Dating- eHarmony

Are the walls you are using for protection actually hindering the development of intimacy and the way you approach dating? Are you going on dates, but hiding who you are because you are scared of rejection? It’s common to crave a genuine romantic connection, but also allow fear or anxiety to get in the way. …

What Happens When You Meet Your Soulmate (Or the Right Person)

The topic of soulmates can be pretty controversial and confusing. When I was asked to write about soulmates, I wanted to make sure I was offering a reality-based perspective that would actually be helpful in dating and partner selection. The last thing I wanted to do was create more pickiness, doubt, rigid partner requirements or …

When Dating Nerves Take Over: 15 Ways to Decompress- eHarmony

Dating jitters commonly lead to burnout and an overwhelming, dissatisfying dating life. Feeling anxious or insecure naturally impacts how well a date goes, making it important to utilize proactive strategies for anxiety management, personal growth, and relaxation. Self-care is an element of dating many people seem to miss, which is why I wanted to write …

Finding Love: 15 Thoughts and Behaviors to Help Guide You There- eHarmony

I wrote this article as an assessment tool for you to use to check in with yourself about your actions, thoughts and feelings around love, intimacy and dating. The article states 15 signs you are ready for love and discusses a healthy mindset for love and connection. Click here to access the full article as featured …

5 Tips for Dating as an Introvert- eHarmony

For increased dating success, it is important to own who you are and understand what works best for your personality.  In fact, different dating strategies work best for different personality types because introverts and extroverts (and everyone in between) may face differing dating dilemmas.  In particular, introverts may be more prone to dating burnout and …

10 Effects of Depression on Relationships

Depression impacts the quality of your life and relationships. Specifically in romantic relationships, depression can make quality time with your partner less enjoyable and create feelings of hopelessness about where your relationship is going. Depression can also affect your relationship in a variety of other ways. Learning how to take care of yourself, communicate with …

4 Strategies to Connect with your Desire for Love- eHarmony

Can you imagine yourself in a healthy and happy relationship or do you find yourself avoiding the answer? If you are looking for a loving relationship, but find it easier to picture your future without one, this article is for you. Click here to read the full article, including four strategies to connect with your …

Two Things to Know About Texting and Dating- eHarmony Guest Blog

While texting has become a primary method of connection and communication in many potential or new relationships, an overreliance on text messages can be problematic for your dating and relationship life. Trends on texting and dating intrigue me and prompted this piece I wrote for eHarmony. Click here to learn about two major problems associated with too much …

When Dating Gets You Down: How to Keep the Hope Alive- eHarmony Guest Blog

I hope you will check out my latest dating and relationship advice for eHarmony. Click here to examine your thoughts around dating and to learn how to date in a more positive way without letting the past or fear-based thinking bring you down. Enjoy and Happy Thursday, Rachel Dack, MS, LCPC, NCC Welcome to …

5 Signs You’re An Unavailable Dater (Part 1)

If you are not open to love, it can’t exist in your life.  All too often my single clients buy into cognitive distortions and engage in behaviors that they believe bring them closer to love or protect them from getting hurt, but really these thoughts, feelings and actions just hinder their ability to connect and …

Four Ways to Handle His Disappearing Act: Dating & Relationship Advice for Women

I was inspired to write about this topic for after hearing many clients (men and women) wonder why a person they were dating vanished even though they thought that the dating process was going well.  It seemed as though their new potential partner would disappear into thin air for no apparent reason and without explanation, …